About me

During my undergraduate studies at the University of Tehran, I first encountered the term natural language processing, and ever since I've been trying to learn it. While there were no appropriate resources for this topic in 2014, I tried to learn and experiment with different experimental approaches. I gradually became familiar with artificial intelligence and its other uses and searched for my own specialized path to start my career. That's right! Natural Language Processing!

Natural language processing and representation learning in the text and audio domains are of interest to me. Building AI-based assistants to interact with people naturally is one of my most recent projects. Computer science and artificial intelligence are my academic specialties, coming from UT and AUT, respectively. Since 2015, I have had a variety of professional experiences with AI (particularly NLP) and data science, ranging from development to management in different topics.

In addition to my interest in NLP, I am interested in applying data-driven solutions across different industries, and I am already doing so. See my work experience for more information.

Also, I have taught through various institutes, online platforms, schools, and universities since 2011 for a variety of people.

🌐 The day will come when humanity will emerge and morality will be preserved. I do my best and step on this path with Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Some of My Roles Over the Years

  • Data-driven Problem Solver

    Various national and foreign companies, organizations, startups raise their issues with me, or even sometimes it happens that I go to help their businesses and discover thier issues.

  • AI Business Develepor

    In addition to setting up businesses that deliver good services to people, I also establish small and medium sectors in companies far from the ICT industry and artificial intelligence.

  • AI Business Coach

    As a consultant, trainer, and coach, my main concern is to guide people and organizations toward greater maturity in the field of artificial intelligence and even to enter this new world.

  • Adjuct Professor

    Aside from my love for teaching, I consider this path an investment in the future of humanity and for everyone to live a better life. It is my goal to take a positive step in this direction.

Some of My Collaborations in the past and present